One of the greatest and most stressful parts of building your own home is being able to choose all the colors.

With all the options there were times we wanted to start texting pictures to family members and asking for help, but in the end we are excited for what we chose. Hopefully, we will still be excited when we see the finished product.

Gotta Love Dig Day

Where is the basement? Oh yeah, we don't have one, we live in Boise.

I guess we will have to go up instead of down.

Best Landscaping a kid could ever ask for.

And a dog. Dig away now, because once the yard is in, NO MORE!!

First one in gets to choose their room first. Ready, Set, Go ! Just Kidding, Mom and Dad already chose.

Just looking down.

BRRRRR, it's cold, maybe we can warm up in the fireplace.

Hope they get a roof on before this place becomes a swimming pool, grab a mop.

One of our favorite additions. STORAGE !

There must be something good on the TV ?? What are they all looking at?

Just riding off on the sunset.