Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Joys of Moving :)

Although packing up all your things causes you to pack up everything you own, thoroughly clean your house, and creates fun hiding places among boxes, it is not always easy.  In fact sometimes it just ....



3 Docs and A Diva said...

We are so glad you are packing although it is the pits. We can't wait for all the enw adventures that awaits you! Yes you will be closer to home.
We love you all.

The Land Far Far Away said...

We know we don't see you enough, but we sure are going to miss you. :)

Beehive State Builders said...

You are moving again already? You had briefly mentioned it, but I didn't know it was for sure! Good luck!

Hideaway Girl said...

Looks like fun. Moving is SO much work, as you know so well. You guys could write the book on How to Move Your family Across the Country. Wish we were there to help!!